Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey all,
I just wanted to apologise for not posting regularly and to tell you that I probably won't be blogging for a couple of weeks. I am bogged down by so much school work - assignments, tests, etc. - not to mention exams in a few weeks - it's unbelievable. I simply don't have time for anything but schoolwork at the moment, so I'm sorry, but I'll be away for a number of weeks, possible the next couple of months. I hate it, but it's true. I'd really appreciate your prayers for wisdom, patience, and good time-management, among other things, as I work through my projects - starting with the 6 essays I have due in the next week and a half alone.
Thanks so much, for your understanding and prayers, and I hope to hear from you all again in a while!
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Best to year, dear. I have you on my blogroll, so when you have a new post, I'll be back.
